Globalization will take us to a new mindset where we will become a new United world.
One of the most relevant reasons for our process of globalization is based on our continued evolution like human beings and society that actually count with a big trend of technological developments and it makes a big reach in our possibilities making a simple and practical world.
In the last 130 years the globalization process cross through 3 stages, the first one (1870-1913) with a big workforce mobilization, later with the second world war begin a new stage of global integration (1945-1973), where many international institutions involved with technical, financial and commercial cooperation that made new connections through countries plus in the last quarter of 20th centuries the third stage begins con free commerce and data evolution in ¨real time¨ based in the information and communication evolution, all that made a relevant to homogenization for people all around the world.
All this evolution process will become in a homogenization and will build a possible lose of our roots and believes and affect our ancestral wisdom if we are not conscious and take care about second effects of this kind of evolution, even we will be become in a new culture based in the principal of the biggest countries in the world.
To be aware.
With all this process is relevant to consider to be aware of a real change where all need to adapt as best as possible in a new culture and each one can explore and give their best like human beings with one global culture in different places around the world without the need for mass migration of refugees to new countries.
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